We've had overwhelming support for our online sessions. Thank you all who took the leap to join. Clients' feedback has been great, too. People have commented that being in the live online classes had felt almost like being at Equilibrium. You still receive verbal cues and tailored instructions in the sessions. We feel they are the next best thing to being physically at the centres. Since the announcements one week ago, all online sessions have been broadcast from the teacher's home. Out of this necessity, the issue of the echo has been resolved and the audio improved. Thank you all who contributed to fine tuning the entire experience. We're now muting participants and spotlighting the teacher, so that the screen does not move between people. We're currently varying the timetable from week to week and we'd like to hear your feedback on what is on offer. We feel it's a fantastic opportunity to try different teachers, also. Here is the link for the timetable: Online Scheduler Currently, Julie B. is unfortunately unable to teach a class from home. She has kindly recorded a yoga nidra for you. Here is a link to her free recording: Thank you so much, Julie, for your gift!
See you on your cyber mat! With love, Sandra
Thank you for your continued loyalty and support, even during these uncertain times. Our hearts go out to all of you who have been affected by this unprecedented situation. We hope you, your family and your friends are safe and healthy.
Our vision is to continue to support our community as best as we can. We've now put together an extensive online schedule. These classes are with Equilibrium Teachers and streamed live. They are capped at 16 clients for the time being. We'd love to hear your feedback on the schedule, i.e. times you prefer, teachers you'd like to see and styles and levels offered. Currently, the timetable is changing week by week. We've also amended our return and cancellation policy and made it more flexible, so that you are not missing out on the sessions you've already bought. Our amended terms and conditions can be found on our updated blog. At this time, we'd like to offer some pointers on setting up a safe space for doing yoga at home. These are recommendations and we understand that not all of them will work for you.
See you on your cyber mat! With love, Sandra Updated 20th March 2020 Unfortunately, we will need to temporarily close our doors at both centres in Huntingdon and Peterborough. However, we have had our first very successful online session with Julie H. this evening. We streamed her 90 minute Forrest Yoga class directly to people's homes. Thank you all who joined. There are two more online sessions available this weekend:
The last in person class with be tomorrow with Janet. After that everything will be offered online. We'd love to see you in our online sessions. Technology, zoom, is easy to use. Once you've booked into a sessions, you'll be sent a link one hour prior to the start of the class. If you've never used zoom before, download the software and then log into the session 10 minutes prior to the start. Just to remind you that we've updated our refund policy, which will be valid with immediate effect until 1st of May and be reviewed again at that point:
It's very easy to get swept up in fear and anxiety. It's therefore essential to get more, centred and to make a commitment to stay in one's body. It's a time to learn how to let go of control. Walk in beauty and with love Sandra Updated 19th March 2020 We wanted to give you a further update about the COVID-19 virus and the additional measures we've put into place. We still feel that Equilibrium both in Peterborough and Huntingdon are spaces where we can get grounded and centred, which is even more essential in these times of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. As much as we should not underestimate the current situation, it's also paramount to stay in our bodies, to breathe, to take one step at a time and to stay out of overwhelm. It's a time to make warrior's choices about one's behaviour and attitudes and there is this incredible opportunity to re-assess our priorities. In addition to what we've already put into place and communicated, here are some additional measures:
Let's all breathe together in these uncertain times, be kind to one another, be in our bodies and trust the process. Let's continue to create community, as it is in the relationship with one another where we can find support. Thank you all for your incredible support and encouraging messages. Walk in beauty and with love Sandra Updated 17th March 2020
We wanted to give everyone an update about the COVID-19 virus, there is a lot of uncertainty at this time but we wanted to assure you we are keeping a close eye on the developments of the Coronavirus and will continue to monitor the information and advice released by the UK Government and the World Health Organisation concerning the spread and containment of COVID-19. At this point in time, we are going ahead with our schedule as normal, as we feel that our centres can provide a space to get grounded, centred and into our bodies when there is so much uncertainty around us. We have compiled a list of points below that we would like students to follow whilst attending classes at Equilibrium, this list is also printed and on display at receptions.
Let's all breathe together in these uncertain times, be kind to one another, be in our bodies and trust the process. Walk in beauty Sandra Since I have finished my personal psychotherapy sessions, my relationship to my two supervisors has become increasingly important. Regular supervision helps me to reflect about the work with my clients, but also about my own personal process and how I'm touched by my clients and what they stir up within me and mirror back to me. Unlike common belief that supervision is about the client, it's really about the teacher or therapist and their own process.
A couple of weeks ago, I felt ungrounded, overwhelmed and definitely not in my body. I felt that I was "failing" my clients and that I was not sure about what I was actually doing as a mentor and therapist. I had a session with my supervisor and I was asking him how I can "tackle the problems" some of my clients were experiencing. I was in the space of needing to find another "solution" for the problems that have been reoccurring - and I needed that solution fast. Metaphorically, my supervisor held up a pin and popped the balloon of busyness with a simple question: "So, there is somewhere to get to, Sandra?". In that moment I realised that I had fallen into the trap of needing to get somewhere and especially fast. I completely forgot that we are already here and that the only moment we have available is the present moment. By frantically trying to find a solution, I had also sent the subtle message to my clients that they need to be different to how they are right now. The fact is: they are whole human beings who simply disconnected from whom they truly are. I felt immediately lighter, more at ease and more embodied. I feel that this approach is so beautifully summarised by Beisser (1970) in his article "The Paradoxical Theory of Change": "Change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not. Change does not take place through a coercive attempt by the individual or by another person to change him, but it does take place if one takes the time and effort to be what he is-to be fully invested in his current positions. By rejecting the role of change agent, we make meaningful and orderly change possible". Be who you are fully and have your own back. Walk in beauty. |
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September 2022