200 Hour REbalance Foundation Yoga Teacher Training
With Senior Yoga Teacher + Body Psychotherapist Sandra Robinson
Whether you're already a teacher, want to become one or whether you're interested in your own personal development, if you've answered any of those questions with yes, this might be the training for you. This unique teacher training combines ancient Yoga principles with contemporary body psychotherapeutic approaches and theories. It’s a highly experiential training based on the assumption that in order to be compelling and authentic teachers, we need to teach from an embodied place. The training combines online and in person modules and teachings, reflecting the changed landscape and skill requirements of modern yoga teachers. It’s a journey over nine months allowing time in between modules for integration and digestion. The intention of this programme is to explore:
This training creates room to explore and connect to who you truly are, creating space for a deeper acceptance of yourself. It hopes to spark curiosity about your own process as well as the process of the people you will be working with. This teacher training is limited to 8 people to give you the attention, space and feedback you need to grow into an excellent teacher. Breakdown:
4 x 2 days online – Saturday and Sunday 3 x 3 days in person – Friday to Sunday 2 x 6 days in person – Friday to Wednesday Meeting once a month. 9 months. 197 hour contact hours. 24 hours non-contact hours, for reading and essay writing. Practice teach and preparation. Dates for 2025/26: Module 1: 27th and 28th of September 2025 (2 days online) Module 2: 24th until 26th of October 2025 (3 days in person) Module 3: 21st until 26th of November 2025 (6 days in person) Module 4: 20th and 21st of December 2025 (2 days online) Module 5: 23rd until 25th of January 2026 (3 days in person) Module 6: 20th until 22nd of February 2026 (3 days in person) Module 7: 21st and 22nd March 2026 (2 days online) Module 8: 24th until 29th of April 2026 (6 days in person) Module 9: 16th and 17th of May 2026 (2 days online) Attendance:
Online handouts and videos are included in the course material and will be made available during each module. Certification:
GDPR: By signing up to the REbalance Yoga Teacher Training, you're consenting to us passing your contact details (name, email and phone number) onto our partner, Yoga Alliance Professionals. By registering for the teacher training you're allowing Yoga Alliance Professionals to contact you directly and invite you to register as a Trainee and Teacher. You have the option of opting out of this registration process. REbalance Yoga is satisfied that Yoga Alliance Professionals have appropriate and adequate technical and organisational measures to protect your data's security. They will never share your data. Taster weekend: 200 Hour Foundation Yoga Teacher TrainingWith Senior Yoga Teacher + Body Psychotherapist Sandra Robinson
This weekend will offer you the chance to sample the 200 hour Foundation Yoga Teacher Training held at Equilibrium Peterborough starting in September 2024. It’ll give you the opportunity to experience the structure, content and process of this programme. Each morning starts with a 3 hour asana practice, including pranayama and a particular theme for the day. This is followed by a 3 hour afternoon session, where you’ll be learning about basic cuing and hands on assists. Like the foundation training, this weekend is experiential and based on the understanding that in order to be excellent teachers we need to embody our practices and teach from that place.
Saturday, 25th of January 2025 9am to 12pm: Asana, pranayama and intent/theme for the day 12-2pm break 2-5pm: Teaching Methodology: Basic cuing. Sunday, 26th of January 2025 9am to 12pm: Asana, pranayama and intent/theme for the day 12-2pm break 2-5pm: Teaching Methodology: Basics of hands-on assists. Price: £100. If you go on to book the Foundation Training this money will be taken off your booking. Cancellation Policy: Refund minus £8 admin charge with more than 48 hours of cancellation. No refunds for cancellation with less than 48 hours. No exceptions made. About Sandra RobinsonSandra is a certified Forrest Yoga teacher, registered as a Senior Teacher with the UK Yoga Alliance and E-RYT 500 registered with the US Yoga Alliance. She thrives on teaching workshops, retreats and continuous education for yoga teachers where space is created for students to fully immerse themselves, have room to simply be and to connect to their spirit. She also works in-depth and in small groups with Forrest Yoga teachers that come out of the Foundation Training with the specific aim to build community, to help them to be the best they can be and to teach them to hold space for themselves and their students in a compassionate way. She has trained at the Cambridge Body Psychotherapy Centre and offers long-term body psychotherapy and biodynamic massage in Peterborough and Huntingdon. She teaches and offers therapy in German and English. Her interest lies in the transformational aspects of being completely oneself and embodied, dissolving the feeling of not being good enough. When we learn to put down our armour, become vulnerable and connect to ourselves and our environment authentically, change occurs. By letting go into who we are and by trusting our intuition and the magic we all carry inside, our relationships will be transformed. In turn, open and honest relationships will have an impact on the individual. Through my extensive body psychotherapy training and through being part of a group of inspirational and courageous people during that time I have come to understand the importance of relationships. www.rebalanceyogatraining.co.uk